
Podersdorf – Day 2, PWA Surf World Cup

podersdorf 1 greta stefyDalle nostre inviate – Il vento ieri non è stato d’aiuto per i nostri rider. Dopo la Double Elimination, la giuria ha deciso di iniziare un nuovo tabellone, con un single che, purtroppo, è stato rimandato ad oggi. Si sono disputate alcune heat ma il vento era instabile e alcune sono state cancellate più volte, come quella di Rossel Bertoldo contro Davy Sheffers. I ragazzi comunque sono riusciti a chiudere diverse manovre, Rossel planava bene e andava forte ma la giuria ha deciso di annullare la sua heat contro Davy per tre volte… giustamente, credo, ma non senza qualche lamentela (diciamo che Rossel era nero…).
Il vento è andato calando sempre più, quindi hanno deciso di lasciare andare gli atleti e farli riposare un po’, considerata la levataccia di ieri mattina. Le previsioni non sono molto buone per oggi, quindi lo skipper’s meeting è stato fissato per le 10.30. Congratulazioni ancora a Gollito Estredo per il risultato della double elimination e anche a Amado Vrieswijk per la fantastica performance. Poi tutti alla festa di Jaklar! (ma non mi racconteremo mai cosa è successo alla festa….).

Amici di Wind News, stay tuned per i prossimi aggiornamenti da Podersdorf!

PWA Surf World Cup Podersdorf – Day 2
The early skippers’ meeting paid off on day two as the remaining competitors in the double elimination were greeted to very different conditions to yesterday — with winds of 12-20 knots as opposed to 40 knots —  but the temperature remained close to freezing. By mid morning the double elimination had been completed and Jose ‘Gollito’ Estredo (Fanatic / North / MFC) now holds a commanding lead at the top of the event rankings having ended Amado Vrieswijk’s (JP / Severne) heroic comeback at the second time of asking in the super final.

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The Top 4 celebrate – Gollito, Amado, Taty & Adrien (Left to Right)

Double Elimination
Amado Vrieswijk staged an amazing comeback through the double elimination as he fought his way back all the way to 2nd place — having finished joint 9th in the single elimination. The Bonairean was the standout sailor in the double as he won nine heats on the bounce by combining outstanding moves such as textbook kabikuchis on both tacks with powerful double culos to firstly take down Jacopo Testa (RRD / RRD), followed by Sam Esteve (JP / NeilPryde / Maui Ultra Fins), Philip Soltysiak (Starboard / Sailworks) and Kiri Thode (Starboard / GA Sails) — before then exacting revenge against Yentel Caers (JP / NeilPryde) in Heat 47. From here Vrieswijk continued his inspired form as he defeated Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails), Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic) and Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / North / Maui Ultra Fins) to setup a meeting with Gollito — which he duly won to force a Super Final.

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Amado Vrieswijk firing on all cylinders Super Final

Having forced a super final Vrieswijk and Gollito lined up against each other one more time to decide who would be crowned the champion of the double elimination. Both sailors produced another superb display, but with Vrieswijk sailing his 10th heat of the day, his exertions started to take their toll with the 20 year old battling cramps throughout the heat. Despite that he still managed to land another perfect double culo and kabikuchis on both tacks, but Gollito was in no mood to be defeated and he turned on the style to remain unbeaten. The Venezuelan landed no-handed culos, double culos and shuvit spocks on both tacks as he narrowly defeated Vrieswijk by under 3 points such was the closeness between the two sailors.

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No stopping Gollito

Gollito reacts after defending his single elimination crown: “Thank you God for everything. Today I won the double elimination against my friend Amado Vrieswijk, I feel amazing the level I showed here was amazing, it’s something that makes me eager to keep giving it everything in the water and take this flag well lejo, Last year was my worst year in competition and many thought that my level had dropped but it’s always good to experience these things because they make you stronger. Thank you God — I’m always grateful of life.”

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Gollito delighted with his efforts

Youp Schmit (99NoveNove / Avanti) was a major injury doubt ahead of today due to suffering a suspected torn calf yesterday, but despite the fact that he needed crutches to walk to and from the water the Bonairean still managed to somehow win a couple of heats against Max Rowe (Simmer) and Hugo de Sousa (RRD / RRD / Maui Ultra Fins) — with victory over the Brazilian protected his 9th place from the single elimination, which he was delighted about having sailed through the pain barrier. Schmit said: “My body has experienced pain like I’ve never experienced before today.” while still keeping a beaming smile on his face.

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Youp Schmit battles through the pain

Single Elimination II
With the wind continuing to blow the competition rolled into a second single elimination, but only the first round and one heat in the second round were able to be completed before the wind became too fickle to compete anymore. The entire second single elimination must be counted in order to count towards the result, so at the moment the sailors well placed after the double elimination are in a commanding position with the forecast not looking particularly promising for the remaining three days. However, as we’ve seen on many occasions before that can easily change, so the sailors will have to stay prepared.

The skippers’ meeting has been called for 10am with the first possible start at 10:30am (GMT+2). If the wind remains light then tow-in will provide the entertainment with the first qualifying heat being held at 7pm tomorrow evening.

Standings after Double Elimination PWA Surf World Cup Podersdorf — Men’s Freestyle

1st Jose ‘Gollito’ Estredo (Fanatic / North / MFC)
2nd Amado Vrieswijk (JP / Severne)
3rd Adrien Bosson (Fanatic / North / Maui Ultra Fins)
4th Taty Frans (Starboard / GA Sails / Mystic)
5th Antony Ruenes (Tabou / GA Sails)
6th Yentel Caers (JP / NeilPryde)
7th Balz Müller (Patrik / Severne)
7th Kiri Thode (Starboard / GA Sails)
9th Youp Schmit (99NoveNove / Avanti)
9th Dieter Van der Eyken (Starboard / Severne)
9th Philip Soltysiak (Starboard / Sailworks)
9th Steven Van Broeckhoven (JP / NeilPryde)