Tenerife Cancellation

Con quattro tappe di cui ben tre wave (IWT/PWA tour) e una slalom già in “saccoccia” a meta dell’anno, il calendario 2023 delle gare dei pro perde purtroppo un altro pezzo: dopo Marignanne  e Bol  in Croazia per quanto riguarda lo slalom, tocca ad un appuntamento, fino a qualche anno fa, “tradizionale” per i waver… il Tenerife Wave World Cup che era in programma ad agosto… se ne riparlerà nel 2024!

Ecco l’annuncio ufficiale da parte del PWA.
Dear Sailors, we hope you are well and have been enjoying some summer sailing and all the action from Fiji.
We have sadly been informed that the Tenerife Wave World Cup will not take place in August as planned.
We had been waiting on the outcome of local elections which took place on the 28th May, but with voting very close, the final confirmation of results and new officials is not now expected for several weeks.
 As such, the organizers felt that they could not wait any longer and will instead focus their attention on the 2024 edition of the event.
 There are no other event updates at this time, but as soon as we have any news we will let you know!
Kind Regards