8 boards & 1 baby traveling on a boat!
La bella storia di Sarah e Aurelian (Sarah Hebert l’abbiamo già conosciuta qualche tempo fa dalle pagine di Wind News di febbraio/marzo 2012 per il suo tentativo di attraversata dell’Atlantico …) ex campioni di windsurf e giovani genitori di Nael in giro per il mondo con la loro barca vela Oceanis 411… che dalle loro avventure ne venga fuori un appuntamento fisso su Wind News?!
Vista qualche foto della mission in Portogallo e Galizia… le premesse ci sarebbero tutte!
Per ora potete seguire le lore avventure sulla loro pagina FB
Sarah and Aurelian are a french couple, ex windsurfing champ and young parents of Nael 8 months old, traveling the world on an Oceanis 411 Beneteau with their 8 boards. Their aim : enjoying surf spots, life on a boat and taking precious time to see their child growing.
Start with a new born of 4 months
They left Brittany, France, the 17th of May with their little baby almost born on the boat ! Sarah and Aurelian were living on Maloya for 3 years already before the departure. They sold all they had to live the dream.
The plan is to windsurf, kite surf, paddle and surf as much as possible, that’s why they have 8 boards in the boat ! But also enjoying life on a boat and taking precious time with baby.
Wind and Kite in Portugal
First step of this journey was Galicia and Portugal, a perfect way to start this adventure. With Gascogne crossing and first sea sickness for the crew! Great spots visited as Figueira da Foz and Alvor….