Si ricomincia…

Ma non proprio subito, subito…. ecco il calendario degli eventi 2018 super provvisorio, ufficialmente emesso ieri dal PWA.
Confermate e, come al solito, “ridimensionate” le voci circolate a fine 2017 riguardo la super tappa prevista a giugno a Viana (o per lo meno in Portogallo), che vede ora solo due discipline (slalom e freestyle donne) impegnate, in attesa di conferma la prima tappa wave in Marocco tra fine marzo ed inizio aprile.
Prima “fatica” per Matteo e company… Giappone a maggio e date delle gare foil ancora in alto mare.
Di seguito il comunicato ufficale del PWA.

Dear Friends
Please find attached, the first official release of the provisional PWA Calendar for 2018.
In order to get the calendar out to you as soon as possible, we have organised it slightly differently to previous years but have included information for all the main event projects that we are working on for the season ahead, with the most accurate information possible.
The Portugal event has had to be downsized from the expected 3 discipline event due to budget restriction on the organisers side. The event will now be a full Slalom World Cup, but with the addition of a women only Freestyle World Cup at the same time.
Fuerteventura will have split dates as usual, with the Freestyle taking place first from 26th to 30th July and the Slalom taking place from 30th July to 4th August.
The events that will have foiling alongside Slalom for 2018 are not finalised yet. We are still working on this with our event partners and will let you know more information as soon as possible.
We will bring you more news about the events for this year as it becomes available and we will have more updates for you soon regarding other changes going into the new season very soon.

Kind regards